Louver Design Element for Sheetmetal. File
includes both the IDE and IPT it was derived from. Single surface pick, controlled by
Length Width and Depth |
C. Bliss |
220K |
Louvre iFeature Sheetmetal Punch. Includes
both ipt and ide. Like above but is a Punch and will work on both sides of a face
(R8) |
CBliss |
256K |
Pressed Strengthening Rib Design Element for
Sheetmetal. File includes IDE and IPT. Controlled by Length, Width and depth |
C. Bliss |
192K |
Sheet Metal rib around bend IDE. Insert on a
plane normal to the surface. Use activate sketch and set path lines colinear to
edges and make path arc = to the inside bend radius |
C. Bliss |
42K |
Sheet Metal Corner Rib Design Element. Contains
Placement Help (which must be read to succeed). This is one of the more difficult
Elements to place. |
C. Bliss |
385K |
Sheetmetal Oblong dimple controlled by inside
length, width and depth. File includes IDE and IPT. |
C. Bliss |
135K |
Edge Finger (as a punch). Placement sketch
point go on Sheet Metal Edge. Pay special attention to Angle on Placement. |
C. Bliss |
296K |
Lance Bridge (R7) for sheet metal, included
source, can be used on both sides of sheet metal |
C.Bliss |
173K |
Corner Press down (R7) for sheet metal, source
included, can be used on both sides, can be used as punch. |
C. Bliss |
178K |
Tapered Lance. Will place on both sides
but is size sensitive. If it fails, adjust the sizes on placement. |
C.Bliss |
252K |
Raised Text and Numbers Design Elements.
Variable height and depth |
Quinn Zander |
1.6Meg |
Cut Text and Numbers Design Elements.
Variable height and depth |
Quinn Zander |
1.4Meg |
CE symbol as an iFeature sketch. One
varialble controls scale in millimeters. |
Cor de Vlaming |
107K |
Ground Symbol Punch (R10) |
N.C. Hammer |
78K |
ISO KF-NW Flanges, Table Driven, includes both
IDE and iPart which can be used for inseperable assemblies (R10) |
CBliss |
231K |
ANSI Outside (shaft) Thread form, Table Driven,
#0 to 4", 376 forms to choose from (R11) |
CBliss |
174K |
ACME Outside (shaft) Thread form (R11) |
CBliss |
214K |
Female Pipe Thread Design Elements |
Kevin Guzniczak |
1.2Meg |
The long awaited table driven NPT threaded hole
with lots of options. 24 sizes from 1/16"-27 to 24"-8 (R9) |
Edward Golubovsky |
259K |
BSP Table driven iFeature, 11 sizes, 1/8 to 3 |
Rob Thomas |
131K |
NPT & NPTF Ports, various sizes |
Larry Caldwell |
1.1M |
SAE Ports |
Larry Caldwell |
2.8M |
SUN Cavities / Ports |
Larry Caldwell |
530K |
Port Cavity 08 Series, three variations, (R10)
includes source models |
Don E. Sebesta |
627K |
Pipe / Conduit Knockouts from 1/2" Pipe to
2" Pipe. Pick size from List of diameters. |
C Bliss |
33K |
Knock In as used in England and Europe |
Andy Marshall |
110K |
Dimple and Hole |
Andy Marshall |
241K |
Light Switch Knockout |
C Bliss |
39K |
Duplex Recepticle Knockout |
C Bliss |
52K |
Other than Union Socket 22258-1, I have no idea
what this is used for (R11) |
C.Bliss |
177K |
Cutout for Kulka Socket #584 & 585 and 530-1
& 530-2 (R11) |
C.Bliss |
87K |
Eagle Socket#4734-2 (R11) |
C.Bliss |
103K |
Pair of Table Driven DSub "punches".
They must be placed as Part iFeatures because Inventor doesn't support table driven
punches. Includes Front and Rear versions. |
C.Bliss |
343K |
Rectangular Dimple for Sheet Metal, (R10) |
Dave Hoder |
225K |
Parabolic Sketch (R7) use as base of reflectors
etc. Parameters control focus and OD |
C Bliss |
49K |
Sine Wave Sketch, Use for CAM profiles or
whatever. Parameter controls diameter (R7) |
C Bliss |
75K |